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Developer Documenation: Working Capital API – Application Status

Json request structure

  1. Submit your request in POST
  2. Headers need to include:
    1. Content-Type : application/json
    2. x-api-key : Your API Key
    3. Authorization : Basic Auth
      1. With your username & password as a base64 encoded string
  3. Body must be as an array which should be formatted as shown in the jQuery, javascript and PHP examples to the right


For initial testing and setup we recommend using postman as your platform to ensure you are preparing and formatting your requests properly. Once you have your structure setup correctly we’ve prepared some basic examples to the right for you to start with while using testdevportal.


While testing, please use testdevportal. When ready for production, be sure change it to devportal.

The highlighted areas you see in the examples to the right represent the variables which will need to be filled with your data. These are sensitive so ensure you are loading them from a remote and secure source.

jQuery( function( $ ) {

	// These variables should be populated from a remote & secure source
	var applicationNumber = '',
		partnerReferenceId = 'CD1911270045',
		username = '********',
		password = '********',
		xApiKey = '********-********-********-********',
		requri = '';

	callWCStatus( applicationNumber, partnerReferenceId, username, password, xApiKey, requri );

	function callWCStatus( applicationNumber, partnerReferenceId, username, password, xApiKey, requri ) {

		var jsonRequest = {
				'Application Number': applicationNumber,
				'Partner Reference Id': partnerReferenceId
			jsonHeaders = {
				'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa( username + ':' + password ),
				'x-api-key': xApiKey

		$.ajax( {

			type: 'POST',
			url: requri,
			headers: jsonHeaders,
			data: JSON.stringify( jsonRequest ),
			contentType: 'application/json',

			success: function( json ) {

				if ( 'true' === json[ 'Status' ] ) {

					// Good response, now to do something with it.
					console.log( 'success' );
					console.log( json )

				} else if ( false === json[ 'Status' ] ) {

					console.log( 'successful connection but no data in the response' );
					console.log( json['Message'] )

				} else {

					console.log( 'successful connection but we have an unexpected response' );
					console.log( json )


			}, // End Success

			error: function( json ) {

				// Something has happened with the communication and we need to do something here.
				console.log( 'error with connection' );
				console.log( json );

			} // End Error

		} ); // End Ajax

	} // End callWCStatus

}); // End Jquery
// These variables should be populated from a remote & secure source
var applicationNumber = '',
	partnerReferenceId = 'CD1911270045',
	username = '********',
	password = '********',
	xApiKey = '********-********-********-********-********',
	requri = '';

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', requri);

xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json' );
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + btoa( username + ':' + password ) );
xhr.setRequestHeader('x-api-key', xApiKey );
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json' );

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
	if ( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {

		var respCode = xhr.status,
			respData = xhr.responseText;

		if ( 200 === respCode ) {
			// Good response, now to do something with it.
			var jsonArr = JSON.parse( respData ),
				respStatus = jsonArr[ 'Status' ],
				respMessage = jsonArr[ 'Message' ];

			if ( true === respStatus ) {

				// Good response, now to do something with it.
				console.log( 'success' );
				console.log( respMessage );

			} else if ( false === respStatus ) {

				console.log( 'successful connection but no data in the response' );
				console.log( respMessage );

			} else {

				console.log( 'successful connection but we have an unexpected response' );
				console.log( respData )


		} else {
			// We did not get a good response status
			console.log('bad response code');
			console.log( responseCode );
			console.log( respData );

xhr.send( JSON.stringify( data ) );

// These variables should be populated from a remote & secure source
$url                  = "";
$application_number   = '';
$partner_reference_id = 'CD1911270045';
$username             = '********';
$password             = '********';
$x_api_key            = '********-********-********-********-********';

$data = [
'Application Number'   => $application_number,
'Partner Reference Id' => $partner_reference_id,

$curl = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );

$headers = array(
'Accept: application/json',
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode( $username . ':' . $password ),
'x-api-key: ' . $x_api_key,
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );

$json_data = json_encode( $data );

curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_data );

curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false );
curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );

$resp = json_decode( curl_exec( $curl ) );
curl_close( $curl );

if ( isset( $resp->Status ) ) {
	// We have a response lets confirm what it is and go from there.
	if ( true == $resp->Status ) {
		// Good response, now to do something with it.
		var_dump( 'successful connection' );
		var_dump( $resp );
	} elseif ( false == $resp->Status ) {
		var_dump( 'successful connection but no data in the response' );
		var_dump( $resp );
	} else {
		var_dump( 'successful connection but we have an unexpected response' );
		var_dump( $resp );
} else {
	var_dump( 'Bad response, no status detected' );
	var_dump( $resp );
JSON Field Name Required/Optional Format Sample Values
Application Number Required(Either Partner Reference Id /Application Number is Required) String L021166
Partner Reference ID Required(Either Partner Reference Id /Application Number is Required) String CD1911270045
  1. Please pass in mentioned JSON Format. Else Dell Boomi - Application Status Fetch API will fail.
  2. If values are not present/Optional please pass empty (" ") value to field name.
Sample Request JSON

    "totalCost": "5000",
    "equipmentType" : "Office Furniture"

Sample Response JSON

    "Status": "true",
    "Message": "Success",
    "Application Status": "Pending Decision"
Development Environment
URL https://
content-type application/json
x-api-key YOUR DEV X API KEY
Type: Basic Auth Username: YOUR DEV USERNAME
Production Environment
URL https://
content-type application/json
x-api-key YOUR X API KEY
Type: Basic Auth Username: YOUR USERNAME